If you suffered a critical illness tomorrow, what would worry you?

Critical Illness Insurance provides a way to help protect you and your family should you develop a critical illness.

A critical illness can change your life in an instant. Being diagnosed with an illness like a heart attack, cancer or a stroke can be overwhelming. The last thing you want to worry about is money. Primordial Benefit Solutions, LLC can help protect you from financial hardship while you or a loved one recovers. It provides tomorrow’s protection today.

How does Critical Illness Insurance work?

Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump sum cash benefit as soon as you are diagnosed with any of the specific, illnesses covered and your claim is approved. You can use this money to pay out-of-pocket medical costs and non-medical costs associated with your treatment, such as childcare or transportation.

Are your savings enough to pay your bills if you got critically ill?

While you’re being treated for and recovering from a critical illness, your income may be affected. Even with medical insurance, out-of-pocket expenses can add up quickly

Covered Conditions Include


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